
Please Do Not Leave Your Car Carrier On Train Tracks

train crashes into car carrier
Do Not Leave Your Car Carrier On Train TracksWorldParce / TikTok

In case you needed another reminder of the horrifying force of a train colliding with just about anything else, let this collision between a train and a trailer hauling cars through Florida be a warning.

In a video originally shared by TikTok user WorldParce, the Brightline train can be seen slamming into a portion of the car carrier trailer that is jutting out into the train tracks at a railroad crossing. The collision breaks the carrier in two, sending cars from the top deck of the carrier flying and tearing down a nearby hanging stoplight. The truck itself is undamaged, as are the two cars fortunate enough to be placed on the part of the trailer that was not obliterated by the train.


Brightline service has since been restored, as RAIL Magazine pointed out on Twitter, also taking a moment to direct attention to the lights immediately after the crossing not cycling to green in time to clear the intersection. Horseless Age, another transit-oriented account, pointed out that the light may have been moot -- it's possible the truck simply got stuck.

Another video posted to TikTok by the same user shows the aftermath. The cars on the portion of the trailer that breaks off all appear damaged, with the ones thrown from the top level of the transporter most heavily afflicted. The train itself is significantly better off, but a dented door is an obvious sign that it, too, was damaged.

It is unclear how the driver of the truck found themselves sitting with the edge of their trailer on a train track at a stoplight, but let it be a lesson: do not mess around with trains at crossings, ever. The train will always win.

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