
These Are The Best Cars For Teen Drivers, And The Best Answers Of The Day Of The Week

Photo: Steve DaSilva / Jalopnik, Keith Tsuji (Getty Images), Honda, Honda, Ford, Logan Carter, Chevrolet
Photo: Steve DaSilva / Jalopnik, Keith Tsuji (Getty Images), Honda, Honda, Ford, Logan Carter, Chevrolet

Readers Say Only Idiots Drive These Cars

Gif: <a class="link " href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:warhawk1015 on YouTube;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas">warhawk1015 on YouTube</a>

Idiots. They’re absolutely everywhere on the road, and they drive a whole lot of different vehicles. However, sometimes a car is just a bit of an idiot magnet. Whether that’s fair or not isn’t for me to say, but that’s what led us to last week’s question. - Andy Kalmowitz Read More

These Car Options Are Absolutely Worth The Money, According To Readers

Is a big stereo the first upgrade you make? - Photo: Keith Tsuji (Getty Images)
Is a big stereo the first upgrade you make? - Photo: Keith Tsuji (Getty Images)

When you’re speccing out a new car, what kind of options do you like to add in? Maybe a nicer steering wheel or perhaps an upgrade to the stereo? Not all of these options are created equally, however, so we wanted to find out which are not to be missed. - Owen Bellwood Read More

These Are The Cars Readers Think Are The Biggest Bargains Right Now

Bargain of the century? - Photo: Honda
Bargain of the century? - Photo: Honda

Whether it’s the cost of a frappuccino to top up your energy levels or the price of a tank of gas to top up your car’s, everything is getting more expensive these days. This means that we’re always on the lookout for a great bargain to save ourselves a few bucks. - Owen Bellwood Read More

Readers Say These New Cars Are Unrecognizable From Previous Generations

Photo: Ford
Photo: Ford

We asked readers what cars are the most unrecognizable from previous models and generations earlier this week. It’s amazing what a few decades will do to a person and/or car — for better or worse. Some models go from being beloved SUVs to blobby crossovers, while others go from being coupes or sedans to, well, blobby crossover and SUVs. - José Rodríguez Jr. Read More

These Are The Best Cars For Teen Drivers, According To Readers

Photo: Chevrolet
Photo: Chevrolet

Teen drivers may lack fully developed brains, good judgment, impulse control and experience behind the wheel, but that doesn’t change the fact that for most families in the U.S., their teenagers will need cars to get around in. Or their parents will need those teens to have a car because they have jobs and can’t take time off to cart their kids around to every single class or appointment. - Collin Woodard Read More

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