
2025 Ford Mustang GTD Price Gets Bumped Up Even Higher

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Mustang GTD Price Bumped Up to Around $325,000Allen J. Schaben - Getty Images

The 2025 Ford Mustang GTD will start at $325,000, but even if you have the money, you may not be able to get one. Ford needs to deem you worthy of buying the most extreme Mustang in history. Potential owners in the United States and Canada can submit applications now.

When Ford first revealed the Mustang GTD during Monterey Car Week last year, it said that it would come with an estimated price of $300,000. A staggering sum for a Mustang, even one with over 800 horsepower and active aero. However, it seems that even that lofty price was slightly underestimated. With the opening of the application process, Ford noted that the starting price will actually be $325,000. Not that the 8 percent price increase is likely to deter many potential buyers.

This has been a big week for the Ford Mustang. On Wednesday, Ford celebrated 60 years of building the beloved model. And with that, it's opened applications to buy the GTD in the U.S. and Canada. Applications for those residing in Mexico, Europe, and the Middle East will open in June.

Mustang GTD Application Process

To begin the application, you need to create an account. Once your account is verified you begin the process by providing your basic contact information. From there you are asked to provide a little information about yourself. Are you a Mustang owner? Do you own similar performance vehicles from other manufacturers? Are you a car collector? Do you consider yourself an influencer? And perhaps most importantly with a vehicle like this, are you active within the motorsport community?


If you select that you are or were a Mustang owner, the application will ask you for details about your Mustang. You will need to provide the VIN, when you purchased it, and how you used it. It will ask you if you are a member of any Mustang clubs or other social activities. You will be asked to describe your involvement with the motorsport community as well.

The last step before submitting the application is explaining your style to Ford. The automaker wants you to provide a 60-second video describing what would make you a good Mustang GTD owner. Beyond that, Ford would like you to provide links to any online content that you feel would further your case for being selected as a potential GTD owner. And finally, there is a free-form text box where you can write anything you want that will help your changes. Are you sporting a full-back tattoo of a Mustang GTD? This would be the time to tell that story.

Hopefully, the application process weeds out the folks who will not drive the car and instead roll it into a private garage with the hopes of flipping it for a profit in a few years. Ford wants drivers to own the GTD. That is the whole point of this application process.

The application is thorough but there are no questions related to your financial situation. So, if you do manage to be selected, you had better have at least $325,000 lying around. North American production is expected to begin in late 2024 or early 2025 so you don’t have much time to save up. Best of luck to everyone who enters.

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