
Buying a rental car? Here's everything you need to know

Buying a rental car? Here's everything you need to know

Shopping for a used car can be a great way to save money on your next purchase, but looking outside the normal channels gives you a much deeper pool of vehicles to choose from. While some people balk at the idea of buying a rental car, signing the dotted line on a former rental can save you money and hassle. But there are some things to remember during the process. Lately, large rental car agencies like Hertz have made major headlines as they thin out their fleet of electric cars, mostly Tesla Model 3 and Model Y EVs but also others from Chevrolet and sometimes Polestar. But should you buy one? Let’s take a closer look.

Buying a rental car

All the major players, including Avis, Enterprise, and Hertz, offer car-buying services with vehicles they no longer field at rental offices. Their websites look like any other car inventory search tool, where you can filter by the make, model, year, price, and more. Many offer the ability to start the buying process online, and there are often discounts off the Kelley Blue Book values. While there are plenty of rental-spec Nissan Altimas and black Chevy Suburbans for sale, there are also a surprising number of luxury vehicles and sporty models.

What are the benefits of buying a rental car?

Since they are not traditional car dealerships, rental companies take the no-haggle approach, so the price you see online is the price you’ll pay when purchasing a rental car. Mileage and condition play a role in the prices, but they are generally not out of line with the rest of used car retailers like CarMax. Some rental companies offer shipping to a store near you, and others have home delivery options.


Rental agencies are known to keep up with scheduled maintenance, which is a good thing. Most rental agencies keep a newish fleet, and that means the cars they sell are still fairly new, too. That's important to many shoppers, as cars have gotten much safer in recent years and are packed with more and more technology than ever before. Some renters, however, may think of a rental car as a disposable object that doesn't require as much care as something they personally own. So it's important to take a close look at the specific vehicle you're thinking of buying to make sure it's not too worn out for your liking.