
Ford Adds Classic Digital Gauges to New Mustangs in Free Update

digital retro mustang gauges
New Mustangs Get Retro Digital GaugesFord Motor Company

Digital gauge clusters lack the physical design elements of the analog clusters they replace, but they do come with a few major benefits. One is the ability to showcase the same data from the same sources in a wide variety of ways, something that Ford has already used to replicate the dashboard of a Fox Body on its latest seventh-generation Mustang. Now, thanks to a free over-the-air update celebrating the 60th anniversary of the car, every Mustang owner can also use a design modeled after the look of a 1967 Mustang.

The new dashboard configuration can be seen in a video posted by Ford communications executive Mike Levine on Wednesday. The two gauges on either side reflect the style of the massive central tachometer and speedometer on the original Mustang, including a tach that counts in hundreds of RPM rather than thousands. The retro design sentiment extends only to those two key gauges, with room in between left for a more typical digital display to show key data, warnings, and other information one might expect to find on a modern driver's display.


If you want a more complete modern take on the first full year of Mustang production, Ford is also offering a limited-edition 60th-anniversary model. That car features a variety of unique badges, graphics, and wheels that pay a more direct tribute to the original Mustang. Just 1965 of those cars will be made and all will be GT Premium models, so access will be fairly limited.

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