
Keanu Reeves’ Motorcycle Collection

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It might not be huge, but the man knows what he likes to ride…

By now you probably know actor Keanu Reeves is not only a badass, he’s really into motorcycles. The man is co-founder of ARCH Motorcycle, a company poised to redefine American performance cruisers. He reportedly rides often and the man owns a nice little collection of motorcycles.

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But first a fun little fact: Reeves didn’t grow up riding. He didn’t learn how until he was shooting a film in Munich in the late 80s. A woman there had an enduro motorcycle and the actor asked her if she’d teach him how to ride it, which she did. When Reeves returned to Los Angeles he bought his first motorcycle and as they say, the rest was history.


Reeves even went so far as to say that he goes through withdrawals when he doesn’t ride regularly. The man clearly is addicted and there’s only one cure.

1974 BMW R75/6

While not the fastest bike out there even for its time, one can’t deny that the BMW R75/6 is still engaging enough to make any stretch of road a little more entertaining. It also serves up a good amount of comfort, something which seems to be a common theme in the actor’s stable of rides. It’s obvious the man likes to go on chill cruises more often than pushing the envelope.

1973 Norton Commando 850 MK2A

Reeves says this was the second bike he bought, probably sometime in 1987, so he obviously wasted no time adding to his collection. He remarked in an interview with GQ that he “had a lot of good times with this motorcycle.” The man had a fascination with Nortons since he was a child, thanks to the unique design and persona.

Kawaski KZ 900

Another reasonable, laid-back ride, this Kawasaki lines up with the other motorcycles Reeves has selected. It has a nice, classic look to it and is entertaining enough but isn’t anything crazy.