
Police Departments Are Flocking To The Mustang GT

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Police Departments Are Flocking To The Mustang GT
Police Departments Are Flocking To The Mustang GT

With the V8 engine going the way of the dodo in many product lines, law enforcement are gravitating to the last muscle car to come with one. That’s the Ford Mustang GT, so you might be seeing more of those driven by cops. Or you might not see them since some run without markings.

A city is suing the owner of an infamous muscle car.

As covered by the Detroit Free Press, state patrol departments in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina have all announced they’re buying Mustang GTs to mix into their fleets. We know Florida Highway Patrol has already been using unmarked Mustang GTs to catch aggressive, speeding drivers, a practice we expect will continue there.


Undoubtedly, even more law enforcement agencies have and will flock to Ford’s pony car. After all, Dodge has dropped the legendary Hemi V8 from its future lineup and the Chevy Camaro is gone, at least for now.

One Ford representative told Detroit Free Press acceleration is key to law enforcement agencies which patrol highways. Considering the high speeds involved in chasing down violators or criminal suspects on those roadways, that makes complete sense.

Local police agencies might opt to add a few Mustangs to their fleet as well. We know that’s already a practice in some departments, but it might become more common as time marches on.

There are, however, limits to a Mustang’s usefulness in law enforcement. Lacking back doors, officers can’t put suspects in the backseat. They’re also not as heavy as the Dodge Charger, so using them to PIT other vehicles and perform other tactical vehicle interventions isn’t quite as effective.

But as the last of the V8 muscle cars in the modern era, the Ford Mustang GT enjoys a unique position, one which favors it for police work.

Image via Ford

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