
Cars You'd Keep For Life, Worst Design Flaws, Terrible Ride Quality And Your Best Answers Of The Week

Photo: Sjoerd van der Wal (Getty Images), Mercedes-Benz, Mason Trinca for The Washington Post (Getty Images), Brian MacIntosh, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons, Tetra images (Getty Images), Wikimedia, Mirco Lazzari gp (Getty Images), Image: Ford, Porsche, Wikimedia
Photo: Sjoerd van der Wal (Getty Images), Mercedes-Benz, Mason Trinca for The Washington Post (Getty Images), Brian MacIntosh, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons, Tetra images (Getty Images), Wikimedia, Mirco Lazzari gp (Getty Images), Image: Ford, Porsche, Wikimedia

These Are The Cars With The Most Egregious Design Flaws, According To You

Image: Ford
Image: Ford

I didn’t expect to touch a nerve when I asked y’all about the most egregious car design flaws but boy, I did not realize the can of worms I was cracking open. Some of you brought up decades old grudges against cars long since passed while others are exhausted at automakers which seem to constantly need to reinvent the already well-designed wheel. And of course, Tesla. - Erin Marquis Read More

These Are The Cars That Shocked You With Their Horrible Drive Quality

Photo: Mercedes-Benz
Photo: Mercedes-Benz

The Jalopnik audience had a lot to say about the crappy cars you’ve all driven. There are many cars on this list that objectively belong here, and some that surprised me. The comments were flooded with recession-era American cars, back when interiors were made from recycled toothbrush handles and cars had handling characteristics that would give a Boston Whaler a run for its money. There were also a good amount of imports, from Germany to Japan, and some classic cars that left bad impressions that lasted decades. - Logan Carter Read More

These Are The Cars Readers Say They’d Drive For The Rest Of Their Lives

Image: Porsche
Image: Porsche

Your forever car. The one car that you’d want to carry you through the ups and downs of a human live. It would have to be a special machine.


Last week, we posed this pondering question to our readers. Some answers were obvious. Others made us question whether we should keep liking cars. These were their responses. - Lawrence Hodge Read More

These Are The Things You Want To Cross Off Your Automotive Bucket Lists

Photo: Brian MacIntosh, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Brian MacIntosh, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Car folks love to talk about their automotive bucket lists, but they always seem to miss out on a crucial aspect: Prioritization. Parts of that list are going to be more attainable than others, parts less, so it makes sense to arrange them in order of achievability. That’s the question we posed to you all earlier this week — not just what’s on your bucket list, but what’s the next thing you want to cross of? Here are your answers. - Amber DaSilva Read More

These Are The Best Cities For Car Culture

Photo: Wikimedia
Photo: Wikimedia

Every city has its plusses and minuses, right? It’s almost impossible to find a single city that would be the perfect place for a car enthusiast to live. Earlier this week we asked our readers to sound off with their favorite car city, and why. Some of the answers are pretty damn entertaining. We all love our home city, right, or we wouldn’t live there. Maybe that’s part of the reason some of these picks made the list. My home town of Hickory Corners, Michigan isn’t even in the top fifty, despite it being the location of one of the best car museums in the world. - Bradley Brownell Read More

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